Acupuncture for women
Dear people,
To our great regret, we have had to take the difficult decision to end our practice on 31 December 2023.
We would like to thank you so much for all the valuable hours we were able to experience together and the trust you placed in us. The treatments planned for December will take place as usual.
Ineke will continue working in Amsterdam at practice Ziyuanting,, 06 24529480.
After her recovery, you can reach Diana at, 06 52317499.
Our warmest regards,
Ineke van der Ham & Diana Schadek
Acupuncture and gynaecology
Stress & burnout
Women in Acupuncture
Treatment methods
Acupuncture is a treatment method that draws on the body’s self-healing ability. By placing very thin needles on acupuncture points, the body is put to work to release the blockages that are causing the symptoms. The needles are so thin that the pricking can hardly be felt.
By listening to the story you share with us as a patient, combined with keen observation and questions, feeling the pulse and looking at the tongue, we can recognize a disturbance. We then determine the treatment plan for your recovery. With additional lifestyle awareness, we help our patients maintain health after treatment.
Other methods we use in our practice are herbs, nutritional advice, moxa, cupping, and gua sha.

For centuries, herbal blends have been drunk as tea or soup as support during illness. Originally, herbs were actually the medicine and acupuncture was used more for support.
We order herbs in powder form from NatuurApotheek, a regular pharmacy specializing in Chinese herbal medicine. They make up our prescribed recipes and send them directly to you.

Moxa, gua sha en cupping
A moxa treatment involves heating acupuncture points on the body. This is effective for menstruation issues, back pain or flu symptoms, among others. Moxa is a commonly used method for turning a breech baby around week 34 of pregnancy.
“Gua sha” means “scraping” of “diseases caused by stagnant energy”. Scraping on the body with a gua sha gemstone activates the self-healing ability and the removal of waste products.
Cupping is a method in which glass vacuum cups are placed on the back to release energy blockages. Blood flow improves and waste products are drained more quickly. The method is used for pain relief and muscle relaxation, among other things.
Nutrition has a significant effect on our health. For this reason, we give nutritional advice as standard to our patients to promote recovery. When your body is empty on an energy level, nutrition is a powerful medicine to fill this void.
Our practice recently entered into a partnership with hormone coach & orthomolecular therapist Yvette de Lint, so that we can offer the best expertise with regard to nutrition and supplements.

Nutrition has a significant effect on our health. For this reason, we give nutritional advice as standard to our patients to promote recovery. When your body is empty on an energy level, nutrition is a powerful medicine to fill this void.
Our practice recently entered into a partnership with hormone coach & orthomolecular therapist Yvette de Lint, so that we can offer the best expertise with regard to nutrition and supplements.
About us
Acupuncture by women

Ineke van der Ham
Acupuncturist and herbalist
The disadvantaged position of women in today’s healthcare system made me care even more about women’s well-being. Fertility, menstruation issues, and preventing a miscarriage or preterm birth have long had my special attention.
Healthcare has been my field of work and research for many years. Originally as a manual therapist and a physical therapist at top-sport level. I soon noticed the relationship between a healthy mind and a healthy body in top athletes. When I read a book on acupuncture, it just clicked. According to the Eastern view, body and mind are one and the body should be treated as a whole. That is why I chose this path.
I never stop learning, so I keep developing my knowledge in different areas. And as a lecturer at the Qing-Bai Academy of Chinese Medicine, I share my knowledge with the next generation of acupuncturists.
In addition, I advocate for working menopausal women with the Pro-Homeostase working group and am a member of the Education & Science Committee of my professional association.
Diana Schadek
My Qi Gong teacher once gave me recipes for soups in addition to exercises. This had a major influence on my health. And during an open day for the acupuncture schooling, I was immediately captivated by the study.
I have been working as an acupuncturist for 7 years now. Women’s health and pain are my specializations, but I also like to deliberate on other complaints, such as emotional states, neuropathic complaints or digestive problems, and I continue to attend additional training courses. Chinese medicine is so comprehensive because it also looks at a person’s environment. Inside and outside are one. It is a healing method that can treat many complaints well, precisely because of that comprehensive vision.
Together with Ineke, I provide acupuncture, nutritional advice and Chinese herbal therapy. We are a unified team working intensively together and complementing each other in various specializations so that we can help as many people as possible to achieve good health.
Acupuncture for women
The World Health Organization recommends acupuncture for, among other things:
Heart palpitations
Respiratory problems
Neck and back pain
Slipped disc, sciatica
Sports injuries
Ménière’s disease
Headaches, migraine
Itching, eczema
Psoriasis, shingles
High blood pressure
Nausea, heartburn
Spastic bowel, IBS
Chronic cystitis
President Kennedylaan 19, Unit 3.11
2517 JK s’Gravenhage
Ineke van der Ham
T: 0624529480
Lid NVA D1762
AGB code 90043601
Diana Schadek
T: 0652317499
Lid LVNT 17.034
AGB code 90103758
AGB code praktijk 90071095