Women in Acupuncture
Would you like to make an appointment with us or do you have a question about acupuncture?
Ineke on 06-24529480 or
Diana on 06-52317499
to make an appointment.
Or first send us an email at info@womeninacupuncture.nl
President Kennedylaan 19, Unit 3.11
2517 JK s’Gravenhage
Fees and reimbursement
effective as of 01-01-2023
Intake and first acupuncture treatment
€ 115,-
Follow-up acupuncture consultation
€ 84,-
Short acupuncture consultation - 30 mins
€ 42,-
Long acupuncture consultation - 90 mins
€ 126,-
Cosmetic acupuncture
€ 147,-
Intake and first herbal consultation
€ 84,-
Follow-up herbal consultation
€ 63,-

After a treatment, you can pay directly by bank debit card. You will receive the invoice by return of mail.
You can reschedule or cancel an appointment up to 24 hours in advance at no charge.
As acupuncturists, we are members of a professional association, which means that most health insurers reimburse all or part of a treatment. This depends on your supplementary health insurance package. You can check the health insurer’s reimbursement via the link below.
You have a complaint. What now?

We do everything we can to provide you with help in a good and respectful way.
However, you may not be satisfied about something. It is important to discuss this dissatisfaction with us first. Perhaps there is a misunderstanding and we can solve it together if you let us know what you are unhappy about or what you would like to be done differently.
Are you unwilling or unable to discuss the complaint with us in person or are we unable to reach a solution together?
In that case, you can make use of a complaints officer free of charge via our professional associations: NVA www.acupunctuur.nl ( Ineke ) and LVNT www.lvnt.nl ( Diana ). They will support you in formulating your complaint or dissatisfaction and in seeking solutions. They will explore the options with you to find a remedy for your complaint. Your complaint will be dealt with within six weeks.
Acupuncture The Hague
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• You determine the value of the information for your own situation. You remain solely responsible for the actions you do or do not take regarding your health. We also recommend without any obligation that you consult your general practitioner if you would like information and advice on your specific situation. The owners of this website accept no liability for any damage that might arise from the use of information, links or guidelines on this website.
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Membership of
Professional associations and complaints committees